Infertility Treatments

Infertility Treatments

Fertility treatments often include medications that help with hormones and ovulation, sometimes combined with minor surgical procedures. Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) describes several kinds of procedures that can help you have a baby. ART includes procedures that make it easier for sperm to fertilize an egg, and help the egg implant in your uterine lining.

Two of the most common fertility treatments are:

  • intrauterine insemination (IUI)
    • Healthy sperm is collected and inserted directly into your uterus when you’re ovulating.
  • in vitro fertilization (IVF)
    • Eggs are taken from your ovaries and fertilized by sperm in a lab, where they develop into embryos. Then a doctor puts the embryos into your uterus.

Cryopreservation (aka freezing your eggs, sperm, or embryos), egg or embryo donation, and gestational carriers (aka surrogacy) are also forms of ART.

Donor sperm, donor eggs, and surrogates are often used by same-sex couples or single people who want to have a baby. You can also use sperm and/or eggs from a donor if a problem with your own sperm cells or eggs is causing infertility issues.

Talking with a doctor who specializes in pregnancy and/or infertility can help you figure out which treatments are best for you. Your family doctor or gynecologist can refer you to a fertility specialist. You may also be able to get fertility treatments, or help finding a fertility specialist in your area, from your local Planned Parenthood health center.